positive reviews made easy!

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It’s not uncommon for businesses to DOUBLE their (5 star) reviews in the FIRST MONTH OF WORKING WITH US!

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REALTORS: Sell your properties for more and get new listings

With Targeted Social Media Ads!

Prices Starting As Low As $350

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How it works

  • Choose from either a one-time ad to promote one or multi property listings, OR sign up for a monthly package to expand your reach with more than one ad!
  • Our experienced ad team will create and manage your ad to reach people with an interest in real estate in your zip code!
  • Choose your specific ad objective, such as promoting coming soon, open house, or past sold property listings! 

Frequently Asked Questions

How much experience does Agency Fix have with marketing?

The owner of Fix has almost 20 years of marketing experience, and has worked with 100’s of small and medium businesses. He was previously a Marketing Director for enterprise level companies, leading teams of diverse digital marketer disciplines. His results have helped companies generate millions in ROI through great marketing strategy and execution.

He created Agency Fix because he saw first-hand how many business owners weren’t sure what they should be doing with their digital marketing, and were being taken advantage of by unscrupulous marketers. There are plenty of other “agencies” that are happy to get paid to just post to social media or do SEO – but without any clear strategy for results that lead to positive ROI; they are just “work for hire”. Agency Fix was created to provide a transparent model, that can focus on the marketing that really matters to driving new customers and selling more to existing customers.

How will you help us get new customers?

We create content such as videos and graphics, and then run paid ads on social media. We also create a funnel system that shows your content over multiple touch-points before someone becomes a new customer.

What is a “funnel system”?

A funnel is a series of connected pieces that you create to strategically guide a prospect down a path to becoming a customer or providing an email address. There are many strategies you can do to create a funnel. An example would be showing an awareness video to a cold audience (people who don’t know who you are), and then retargeting anyone who watched more than 15 seconds with a 2nd ad with an “irresistible offer”. When people click on your ad with the “irresistible offer”, they are taken to a landing page, which is designed to get them to perform a specific action, such as provide an email address or book an appointment.

Does Agency Fix do social media posting? Will you take over our social media posting?

We do, but this is not our core service offering (it is just a piece of the marketing). Posting to social media consistently is not enough. If you don’t have an audience already, not many people will see your posts. We use paid ads to increase the distribution (the reach) of the content we create to new (cold) audiences, and remarket to warm audiences (people who have engaged with your previous content), and hot audiences (people ready to buy or your existing customers).

The real value that we bring to the table is creating a well thought-out content strategy combined with a paid media distribution strategy, that will ignite your content, build an audience, and lead to more new customers and a higher ROI with your existing customers.

What types of content do you create for our ads and social media pages?

Awareness Content: These would be videos, graphics, or valuable information, to a cold audience (people who don’t know who you are). This type of content is great for building an audience or staying in front of your existing audience.

Engagement Content: This type of content is designed to “create engagement” with your page. It can be a contest with a free give-away to generate good will and grow your audience or email lists. Or, it can be just valuable content to educate your audience and build trust in your brand.

Consideration Content: This would be testimonials or customer success stories. The purpose of this content is to build trust and credibility, and move your audience a step closer to becoming a customer (or re-enforce to your existing customers that you are their best choice, and drive repeat visits and referrals).

Conversion Content: These are offers to bring in new customers or bring back existing customers (or even generate referrals).

Why should I consider doing a strategy assessment first before I get started with marketing?

A strategy assessment takes a comprehensive look at everything you are currently doing with your marketing, and creates a strategy going forward to improve. Usually, there are many areas which need to be “Fixed” to be effective. This could be areas to improve on your website or your processes. Maybe your tracking is not setup properly (or at all). We look at what types of content you have been producing, and develop a strategy for creating new content that will take your prospects and customers down a great customer journey, that results in new customers and more profitable existing customers.

How much does it cost to work with Agency Fix?

We have plans starting as low as $499 per month. All service plans include:

  • Creating a marketing funnel to take new prospects from cold leads to new customers.
  • Creating content to use for social media ads and content for the social media pages.

Depending on your budget, you can increase the amount of services from the base package price. This includes:

  • Increasing your advertising budget to reach a larger audience.
  • More content creation for your social media pages and ads (content like videos, graphics, or blog articles differ in complexity and amount of time required to create).
  • Email and SMS marketing to your existing customers.

We suggest starting with a strategy assessment first to create a marketing strategy that aligns with your goals and budget.

How to Build Customer Loyalty with Your Patients

Dr. Lee Weinstein is a leading Pediatric Dentist and consultant that helps dentists transform their customer experience. In this Dental Business Interview, he discusses some strategies he uses with his clients, as well as Dental Marketing, with Jared Braverman, Marketing Director at Agency Fix.

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